High-Performance Computing

High Performance Computing

Research in high-performance computing (HPC) aims to design practical algorithms and software that run at the absolute limits of scale and speed. It is motivated by the incredible demands of “big and hairy” data-hungry computations, like modeling the earth’s atmosphere and climate, using machine learning methods to analyze every book and paper ever written, discovering new materials, understanding how biological cells work, simulating the dynamics of black holes, or designing city infrastructure to be more sustainable, to name just a few. To perform these computations requires new approaches for the efficient use of advanced computer systems, which might consist of millions of processor cores connected by high-speed networks and coupled with exabytes of storage. 

Specific HPC topic areas of interest within CSE include: 

  • Discrete and numerical parallel algorithms 
  • HPC applications in science and engineering 
  • Design of architecture-aware algorithms (e.g., GPU, FPGA, Arm) 
  • High-performance scientific software 
  • Performance analysis and engineering 
  • Post-Moore's Law computing 

HPC research at Georgia Tech is cross-cutting and multidisciplinary. CSE HPC faculty work closely with researchers across computing, social and natural sciences, and engineering domains. They lead interdisciplinary HPC research centers (see below) and contribute to HPC-driven domain specific research centers and institutes such as the Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (CRA) and the Institute for Materials (IMAT).

Related links:

Center for High Performance Computing (CHiPC)

Center for Research into Novel Computing Hierarchies (CRNCH)

Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS)


CSE Faculty specializing in High-Performance Computing research:

Srinivas Aluru

Srinivas Aluru

Regents' Professor

Personal Webpage

Edmond Chow

Edmond Chow Block


Personal Webpage

Helen Xu

Helen Xu Block 2

Assistant Professor

Personal Webpage

Spencer Bryngelson

Spencer Bryngelson

Assistant Professor

Personal Webpage

Haesun Park

Haesun Park

Chair, Regents' Professor

Personal Webpage

Ümit Çatalyürek

Ümit Çatalyürek


Personal Webpage

Qi Tang

CSE Qi Tang Block

Assistant Professor

Personal Webpage

Elizabeth Cherry

Elizabeth Cherry

Associate Professor

Personal Webpage

Rich Vuduc

Rich Vuduc block


Personal Webpage