International Study
Travel abroad: An adventurous way to pursue your academic and professional goals while having the time of your life.
Georgia Tech has many international options, and the College of Computing offers computing-specific programs. Whether you’re interested in a few weeks in Spain, a semester in France, or a full year abroad, GT Computing provides an international program in just about every destination that captures the imagination.
The College of Computing provides our graduate students with the opportunity to study abroad and earn three Master's degrees --- one from Georgia Tech, one from Georgia Tech-Europe, and one from Georgia Tech-Shenzhen.
Georgia Tech-Europe
Complete your MSCS at Georgia Tech-Europe, Georgia Tech's European campus in Metz. France. Or, split your time between the Lorraine and Atlanta campuses --- the choice is yours. There is also an option to complete a dual-degree program from one of Georgia Tech-Europe’s over 20 top-tier partner institutions in Europe and North Africa. Learn More.
Georgia Tech-Shenzhen
Complete your MSCS at Georgia Tech - Shenzhen, Georgia Tech’s Chinese campus in Shenzhen, China. Or, pursue your one-semester study at GT-Shenzhen. Situated next to Hong Kong, Shenzhen has the highest GDP per capita among large- and medium-sized cities in mainland China. Multinational companies that have a presence in Shenzhen include Apple, Cisco Systems, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Phillips, PMC-Sierra, Samsung, Schneider Electric, Siemens, TI, UPS, etc. Learn More.