
M. Mahdi Roozbahani is a lecturer in the School of Computational Science and Engineering and School of Computing Instruction at Georgia Tech. Roozbahani is also the founder of Filio, a centralized cloud-based platform for efficient organization of site photos using mobile- and web-app, which was initiated through Create-X incubator program.

Roozbahani received his Ph.D in Computational Science and Engineering in 2019 under the supervision of Prof. David Frost at Georgia Tech. His research interests include topics such as modeling and simulation, network analysis and machine learning. He has earned three master’s degrees in Computational Science and Engineering from Georgia Tech, in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Georgia Tech, and in Geotechnical Engineering from University Putra Malaysia. Mahdi earned his bachelor’s degree from Iran University of Science and Technology where he received the award for the best final year bachelor project among all undergraduate students. He is a recipient of the Jean-Lou Chameau Research Excellence award, best Graduate Research Poster award in Geosystem poster symposium, outstanding research poster and outstanding volunteer award at CBBG center. He was awarded the NSF IRES fellowship global internship program at Ecole des Ponts in Paris. One of his papers was selected as the top five featured papers and issue cover in Materials journal in 2017. He has published over 10 journal and conference papers.